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TAS Coaches Pages: Resources for the coaching staff.

TAS Accident Form 

  • Ski Patrol Emergency Line: 425-434-6794

TAS Athlete Plan if Lost

  • Established a plan – If we get separated go to the TAS Shack and wait for a coach.

  • Communicate the plan – Make sure each athlete knows the plan, knows where the shack is and can repeat the plan back to the coach.

  • This plan may change to the bottom of the last lift you went up or another designated place at the coach’s discretion.

Athlete Assessment Form



Sign Up For Shift Here


Time Cards:

TAS Time Card         PDF

TAS Time Card        XLXS Numbers

TAS Time Card        Numbers

Expense and Travel Reimbursement Forms:

TAS Expense PDF

TAS Expense

TAS Expense Old Excel

TAS Handbook

Review the handbook here:

TAS Concussion Policy and Head Injury Info

Review the concussion policy here:


As a condition of employment, all TAS Coaches agree to abide by the SafeSport Code and The US Ski & Snowboard Code of Conduct.

As a condition of membership, all U.S. Ski & Snowboard members

agree to abide by the SafeSport Code.

U.S. Center for SafeSport provides updates in effect

SafeSport Code

What is the SafeSport Code?
The SafeSport Code is issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport and contains specific rules that apply to athlete safety and the processes for the Center. You will find in the Code some of the following important information:

• Obligations for reporting child abuse or other inappropriate conduct
• Definitions of bullying, emotional misconduct, harassment, hazing, physical misconduct,   and sexual misconduct
• Aiding and Abetting inappropriate conduct is a new section of the Code
• Retaliation is defined

All of us must comply with the Code, so please read it and take the time to understand the requirements.

MAAPP – Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

What is the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy?
The MAAPP is based on a model policy designed by the U.S. Center for SafeSport (Center). We modified the MAAPP to apply to our sports and the Center has approved our MAAPP. TheMAAPP provides policies on the following areas:

• Athlete Travel
• Athlete Lodging
• One-on-One interactions with athletes
• Social Media
• Locker Rooms
• SafeSport Training

The MAAPP applies to all of us, our clubs and affiliated organizations. All National Governing Bodies are required to have a MAAPP that is approved by the Center.

The purpose of the MAAPP is to provide specific policies to support athlete safety. Please read the MAAPP so that you know your responsibilities.


U.S. Ski & Snowboard prohibits the following conduct:

  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Physical Misconduct
  • Emotional Misconduct
  • Bullying, Threats and Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Willfully Tolerating Misconduct

What is the U.S. Center for SafeSport?
The Center, headquartered in Denver, was established by Congress under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. The Center is a separate and independent organization from the USOC, and provides a central source for education, reporting, investigation, and tools for U.S. Ski & Snowboard and the other national governing bodies. More than 525,000 individuals have completed the SafeSport Training. To learn more about education and reporting please see the following links: SafeSport Educationreport-a-concern.

We are all responsible to provide for a safe culture. Creating that culture begins with understanding the rules and taking the training but goes far beyond that foundation in order to create a culture of safety. We all need to pay attention, listen to those around us who are expressing concerns, and be willing to step up to make sure our culture is one of respect and a safe place. All of us have easy access to report inappropriate behavior, report-a-concern.


SafeSport Helpline

The Center for SafeSport provides 24-hour support via the SafeSport Helpline or by calling 866.200.0796.

Reporting Suspected Violations of Sexualized Conduct
Any member of U.S. Ski & Snowboard who is appointed to a position of authority over, or who has frequent contact with athletes must clear criminal background screening and complete SafeSport training every two years with a refresher required every other year. This includes U.S. Ski & Snowboard members holding a U.S. Ski & Snowboard coaching license, U.S. Ski & Snowboard members holding a U.S. Ski & Snowboard officials license, U.S. Ski & Snowboard members holding a U.S. Ski & Snowboard club volunteer membership and U.S. Ski & Snowboard members at U.S. Ski & Snowboard clubs whom the club formally designates to be in a position of authority over athletes, and the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Governance Board members.
Every U.S. Ski & Snowboard member must report suspected violations of the SafeSport Code.
If you suspect that a child is experiencing misconduct of a sexual nature, don’t investigate yourself.  Call the SafeSport hotline and local child protection authorities (Police or Child Welfare Office) and report it to the experts who have the skills to investigate the matter.  If you have a doubt on whether conduct is occurring, please err on the side of reporting.
Conduct which does not involve sexualized conduct but which may violate one of the six categories of prohibited conduct may be reported to

For more information on SafeSport click here

Athlete Supervision, Housing and Travel Best Practice Guidelines for TAS Athletes

1. All USSA club practices, projects should be open to observation by parents.

2. All coaches supervising USSA athletes must be members of USSA and criminally background screened.

3. One coach member and at least one other adult should be present at all practices and other club activities where at least one athlete is present. Clubs and coaches should evaluate their seasonal plans and decide in advance how to accomplish this goal.

4. An open and observable environment should be maintained for all interactions between adults and athletes. Private, or one-on-one sessions should be avoided unless they are observable, e.g. in a conference room with glass walls or a room with the door open.

5. Coaches should not invite or have athletes to their home without the permission of the parent or guardian and in the instances that permission is given, #3 should be observed.

6. Schedule overnight travel as far in advance as practical and share itinerary and contact information of lodging, coaches and athletes with athletes and parents.

7. During team travel, when doing room checks, attending team meetings or other activities, #3 and #4 should be maintained.

8. Athletes should not ride in a coach’s vehicle unless another athlete or coach is present. If that cannot be accomplished, parental consent must be obtained.

9. Coaches must ensure their vehicles are properly insured.

10. During overnight team travel, if athletes are paired with other athletes, those athletes shall be of the same gender and of similar age. Where athletes are age 13 or older, chaperones shall stay in nearby rooms. Where athletes are 12 or under, chaperones may stay in the same accommodations as the athletes as long as parental permission is obtained. In that circumstance, #3 shall also be observed.

11. Adults shall respect the privacy of athletes in situations such as changing clothes/showering, etc.

12. The use of electronic devices such as cell phones, MP3 players and other recording devices in locker rooms/changing areas is prohibited.

13. If the team is composed of athletes of both sexes, each sex shall be accorded a separate changing area or given serial use of the one available changing area.

14. Coaches should not initiate contact, or accept supervisory responsibility for athletes outside club programs and activities.

15. During overnight team travel, there shall be a curfew imposed and monitored by USSA member coaches.

16. Violation of the curfew for anything other than a demonstrable emergency shall be grounds for immediate removal from the project.

17. Coaches should be the first to arrive at a project and the last to leave. *These guidelines, while specific to u-18 (minor) athletes, can be adapted for use by those projects involving athletes over 18 in the discretion of the project leader.

Frostbite and Frostnip in Children

Cold Related Prevention, Protection, and Information

Concussion Training:



USSS at TAS Concussion Policy for Members. … The athlete will be prohibited from further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation in USSS or TAS sporting events by a qualified health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries.

Safe Driving Skills:


Radio Protocol:


Calling out: “your name, the person you’re addressing, then your message.” Example: “Chris to Lisa, slip next run”

Respond: “copy or repeat the message” Example: “Lisa to Chris, copy that I will have them slip next run”

Repeat Message: “your name, the person you’re addressing, then repeat message.” Example: “Lisa to Chris, Repeat Message.”

More info in this powerpoint; however the protocol for calling out for TAS is stated above and may be different from the powerpoint.



Accident Protocol: For on and off snow.


  1. Make sure scene is safe if so proceed.
  2. ABC’s: Check Airways, Check for Breathing and Check for Conciseness.
  3. Recognizing Head and Spinal injuries.
  4. Site Procedures. Example “You call 911, you go get help, you set up skis to warn uphill skiers.”
  5. If you are alone Call 911 and stay at the scene.
  6. The phone number for Ski Patrol is 911 at all areas. If this does not work, then try 425.434.6794

Notes: The number for ski patrol at any mountain is 911, stay with the injured athlete until another coach can relieve you. Radio to other coaches to take your group. If you are alone, have your group stay with you downhill and out of the way of the injured athlete. Call Chris to inform the parents.

TAS Accident Form 

Tree Wells


For freeskiing, use the buddy system. No one skis alone. Coaches must have a radio and a cell phone when freeskiing with a group.