Team Alpental Snoqualmie

Nonprofit CEO
Chris Loewy
Chris has coached skiers at all levels and ages, from U8 to Masters. Chris has worked with athletes who have gone on to the US Ski Team, Olympic Games, and US Nationals. Chris is a level 300 USSS Coach. His passion for skiing is equal to his passion for sailboat racing. If you can’t find him on the hill, he is probably racing his Thistle on Lake Washington. Go Fast. Have Fun!
Director of Youth Development
Peter Kahn

Peter Kahn comes to TAS from Alpental Race Team. Peter is level 3 PSIA and has been teaching skiing and ski racing for over 20 years. Peter and his whole family have been very involved with TAS over the years, both his sons raced on TAS and his wife was the RA for TAS. We are lucky to welcome Peter back to TAS as our U12 Head Coach.

Director of Skiing
Chris Ireton
Chris is an avid freeskier and mountaineer. As a former(current?) TAS racer, he is excited to be part of the program coaching staff. His love for skiing is unmatched and he hopes to instill that enjoyment of the sport into the athletes he coaches. As a Snoqualmie Pass local you can find him ripping around the hill even on his days off.
Lead U16 Coach
Van Brassington
Van has been in the ski industry for almost as long as it has been around. He grew up racing at White Pass and has held almost every job imaginable within the industry. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the program.
Lead U14 Coach
John Thomsen
John is a seasoned snowsports professional who has worked for Sun Valley and other prestigious ski schools. He brings a high level of education and organization to the mid-week programs.
Lead U12 Coach
Garrett Kusakabe
Garrett is an athlete favorite who helps to keep the fun in skiing. Never one to shy from being tackled by a group of athletes, he is always willing to brighten an athlete’s day with a little candy.
Lead Intro Coach
Gillian Esson
Gillian is a level 300 US ski and snowboard coach, as well as a level 3 coach and instructor in Canada. Gillian has her Masters in Coaching Science and a BAA in Early Childhood education. She is also an Alpine Official, Technical Delegate and Coach Developer for USSS.
Gillian grew up racing in Southern Ontario, attended Burke Mountain Academy and went on to race for the Ontario Provincial team and Canadian Development Team. She brings over 30 years of high-level coaching experience to the Intro to Ski Racing group. She has coached in Ontario, Alberta, Chile and Washington, at the development, performance and elite levels.
Gillian is the Director of the Skykomish Food Bank and works as a substitute schoolteacher in Skykomish. In her free time, Gilly likes to spend time outdoors with her 4 (former ski racer) children.
Lead Freeski Coach
Ezekiel Rohloff
Zek is a ripping skier with a background in high-level ski racing. Zek brings the fun into freeskiing.
Josh May

Benjamin Meyer

Ryan Helm

Nicholas Bankus

Lauren Koper
Ethan Dahlberg
Naomi Tomky
Nolan Young
Dani Rustagi
Sophie Wasson